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10 Myths about Hair Care

Posted: 31 Jul 2012 08:23 AM PDT

10 Myths about Hair Care

It is said that combing your hair 100 times every night, it will be faster hair length. Can you believe anyway?
Unfortunately it was just a myth. Even if you ran 1001 times each night, that there is a long time your hair will complain and fall.
Ladies, do not all you hear is always true. Sometimes we also have to use logic, asking here and there and read all the info carefully so as not wrong. What about the myth that we often hear, true or not huh? We will help answer it.

Myth 1: The more frequent trimming, hair grow faster

The fact is that hair grows about 5 cm per month, whether or not determine. Trimming regularly may be more helpful well received supply of nutrients to the rest of the hair shaft, and the end of the dry and damaged hair will not hamper the delivery of nutrients.
The surplus, trimming the hair so it would make your hair more beautiful and presentable.

Myth 2: Stress can cause hair loss

The myth that one is true. Stress can indeed increase the amount of hair loss each day. But do not worry because with proper care your hair will be fertile again.

Myth 3: Alternating shampoo to make hair healthier

Wrong. If you’ve found the right shampoo for your hair, then let the shampoo is providing care to the fullest. Changes in hair is possible, but all of it is caused mainly due to environmental conditions and errors in care.

Myth 4: Repeal gray hair gray hair will provoke others to grow in the same place

This myth is also false, because the repeal of gray hair gray hair growth will not provoke others. What happened was there is the possibility of infection and scars left behind due to pull out gray hairs sometimes leave scars.

Myth 5: Straight hair is innate

True, but as a person’s growth, hair texture can change you know. Some things such as pregnancy, medication, chemotherapy, age can change a person’s hair texture in a fairly short amount of time.

Myth 6: In order to clean hair, use shampoo that should be twice

Under certain conditions it is true, for example, apply hair spray or hair out hairbrush. However, in everyday conditions is better to use it only once shampoo, massage the hair evenly, then the hair will be cleaner. Excessive use of shampoo causes hair to become dry.

Myth 7: Rinse with cold water will make the hair shine

Actually there was no relation between the cold water with shiny hair. Rinse hair after shampooing with cold water may make the hair fresher and not dry. And make you a ‘literate’ and eliminate sleepiness.

Myth 8: Coloring your hair cause hair damage

Wrong! Quality products that are currently circulating in the market has also gone through the test results can be trusted. And they also add a few ingredients that can help treat hair that is not damaged.
Just make sure you consult your hair stylist, and hair coloring products do not pick it at random. Select only a qualified and already have a name.

Myth 9: Hair branching can be cured

Hmm … Jimmy Paul, a celebrity hair stylist, was quoted as saying that Good Housekeeping branched hairs cannot be cured. The only way to handle it is to cut it. Wearing only care products will help prevent the emergence of other branched hairs.

Myth # 10: Smoking can cause gray hair

Right! According to JG Mosley, as quoted from hair boutique, smoking can increase the potential growth of gray hair than non-smokers. Even in some cases, hair loss so much easier because of smoking.


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