Saturday, July 21, 2012

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4 Hot Drinks for Healthy Suhoor

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 10:28 AM PDT

Hot Drinks for Healthy Suhoor

The month of Ramadan arrived, activities of the meal becomes part of the fun and challenging. We call it challenging because you have to fight drowsiness while simultaneously eating a meal of cold air.

In order to eat the delicious meal, it would be fun to enjoy a warm drink. But not all good for a warm drink for running fast. Here are some hot drink could provide a calming effect and healthy.


Ginger is a potent natural ingredient to give a warm and healthy body. In contrast to the chili that can give effect to the spicy and hot, warm ginger will give effect to the more convenient. Ginger contains gingerol and shogaol are making ginger serves as a thermogenic (increased body temperature). Eating wedang warm ginger will keep your body warm and free of colds.

Green tea

Some studies suggest that tea consumption should be limited when the meal because it can make a person urinate more often and get rid of the salt the body needs for a full day. If you still want to enjoy tea, green tea contains select higher antioxidant. Keep the tea remains weak and is not concentrated, the more dilute the better. Be careful not to give a lot of sugar.

Low-Fat Milk

If you do not have the digestive problems associated with milk, then the choice of enjoying a glass of warm milk low fat meal can make you stay warm. Milk contains substance remover dehydration, so you’d better avoid dehydration during a full day. In addition, the nutritional content of milk will help you stay fit until about breaking the fast.

Warm water

The best drink is water. Remember, you still need at least 8 glasses of water while fasting. This amount would be if you are a lot of activity. If you feel the stomach is full and lazy to make a drink that we have already mentioned above, the warm water will make your stomach comfortably. Keep your hot water temperature is just right, not too hot, because it will make the tongue and throat were burning.

Do you have any other warm drinks enjoyed a healthy and fit when the meal? Please for in the comments. Welcome pilgrimage for those who run fast.


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