Thursday, January 3, 2013

World Fun, Celebrity Photos, Latest News

World Fun, Celebrity Photos, Latest News

Playboy Boss Hugh Hefner Married with 26 Year Old Model Crystal Harris

Posted: 03 Jan 2013 06:23 AM PST

Playboy Boss Hugh Hefner Married with 26 Year Old Model Crystal Harris
You know Playboy magazine, adult magazines have been controversial. The name of the founder Hugh Hefner, Playboy he’s the big boss who is always surrounded by beautiful women. He is 86-year-old widower and was married 2 times these are elderly, but her desire to marry young girls are not unstoppable.

The Fleeing Bride (And Back)

Playboy Boss Hugh Hefner Married with Model Crystal Harris

In mid-2011, Hugh Hefner issued shocking news; he plans to marry Crystal Harris, a 26 year old beautiful model. Their ages were adrift 60 years makes a lot of people frown on the wedding plans. Many believe that Crystal just after the Playboy boss treasure was enormous. But more shocking is the bride fled five days before the date of the wedding was held.

A year after the tumultuous events that passed, Crystal Harris on Hugh Hefner apologized and regretted his actions. The Playboy boss who still loves the girl forgives him. Both were re-engaged and re-plan the wedding. The bride kept his promise not to run again on their wedding day. This happy couple was married at the turn of the year 2013. The wedding party was held simple and only attended by family and close relatives.

Age Not Barriers to Love

Playboy Boss Hugh Hefner Married with Crystal Harris

New bride is not shy sharing their wedding photos on Twitter. Hugh Hefner wrote on his Twitter status: “Crystal and I were married on New Year’s Eve at the Mansion, Keith was best man. I love this girl!”

While Crystal was very beautiful on her wedding night wrote: “Today I become Mrs. Hugh Hefner. I am very happy, lucky and blessed.” This beautiful girl has also changed his name on Twitter to Crystal Hefner.

Weddings young girl with an old billionaire often rated as marriage only after treasure. Moreover Crystal once admitted he did not enjoy sex with Hugh Hefner. Even some of the comments on Dailymail writes that Hugh Hefner careful when down the stairs, who knew his wife would drive him.

Whatever people’s opinions, congratulations on the wedding Hugh and Crystal.

How do you think, ladies? Please share on the comment ya! ;)


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