Tuesday, June 14, 2011

8 Healthier Lifestyle

Healthier Lifestyle
Want to have a body more ‘resilient’ and the powerful deterrent of all Kinds of diseases? 8 secret are here …
In Addition to exercise and eat nutritious food, let’s do the Following eight healthy habits are believed to make the body more strong and resistant ‘onslaught’ germs. Special FITNESS mengulik collect it for you with healthy recipes from Parents to a variety of scientific research results. No need to hesitate to practice it, Because every step is so simple but has powerful benefits to boost the body immunity.
1. Healthy Massage Routine
Healthier Lifestyle
Got a nice massage in the whole body, is certainly very unpleasant. body of a comfortable, relaxed, calm and happy feeling will from surely increase of the positive energy Throughout the body. Many studies DESCRIBE the effects of a massage cans relieve stiffness in the body, Normalize blood pressure and heart rate. Tiffany Field, PhD., Leader of the Touch Research Institute of the University of Miami School of Medicine , USA. Revealed That the relaxation massage cans lower stress levels in a person’s body. “This condition causes your immune Increased cells. All Kinds of massage, Basically good for the body. But the point is, Pls the massage pressure is strong but not painful. The pressure is Enough to make the body so relaxed, “said Field. Although there has been no research on how much the frequency of massage to be done, experts say That a massage once a month Could restore the body’s metabolism.
2. Ginger Water Mix
No one if wedang ginger has been since ancient times believed nutritious for health. Not only warms the digestive disorders. “Efficacy of ginger helps the body to stimulate the abdominal muscles and facilitate the flow diasup food in the digestive tract,” says Joyce Frye expert Osteopathy University of Maryland School of Medicine , Baltimore, USA. Try adding ginger pieces in water or tea, put Some honey, you cans certainly enjoy it.
3. Cold Water Bath
Have a habit of Bathing in the shower or hot water shower? From now on do not be too frequent, and soon switched to using plain water or cold water. According to Mary Ann Bauman, MD, author of Fight Fatigue: Six Simple Steps to Maximize Your Energy , bathe in the pouring cold water, it cans relieve migraines, rheumatic pain and circulation in the body. “Your energy would be lifted so as to make the body changed from more fresh,” said Mary.
4. Diligent Hand Washing
One dozen in a day! Yup, you try to always wash hands for at least 12 times a day, for 20 seconds or more. Neil Schachter, MD, of Mount Sinai Medical Center , New York, USA Revealed That hand washing is the first step in prevention of bacterial and viral attacks. “flu, diarrhea, up to harmful bacteria Such as E. coli and Salmonella cans be prevented simply by washing hands. Use liquid soap or sanitation, hand rub evenly, from the back of the hand to the fingertips or fingernails. Do not forget to dry with a dry tissue or cloth net, “Schachter added.
5. Reading Food Labels
Healthier Lifestyle
Recently the American Heart Association advise increasingly That We Are Concerned about the labels on food products listed. Those WHO read the content of food labels before buying a product, then the better the condition of his health. At least those WHO read labels be looking earnest for the best nutrition and reduce the protein content, fat-free, sugar, sodium Until. Make sure That in every food you buy is always contained nutrients, vitamins, or iron.
6. Eating Garlic
Carmia Borek, PhD., Public Health Researchers from Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston , USA., said that garlic is rich in antioxidants That cans increase of body immunity. However, try not to be excessive Because the garlic in. Some people causes the body to release excessive gas. “Just two cloves per day, if you are worried about the smell of garlic cans contaminate your breath,” suggested Carmia.
7. Sleep Early
Within a day, the mechanism of the body needs time to rest or sleep for 8 hours. Research from Columbia University Medical Center, USA, proved to bed early cans That improve the workings of the body to Suppress depression. Having a regular Bedtime Also helps protect the body against the risk of disease. Even those WHO were the resource persons aged teens are encouraged to have slept 9 hours. So, if the body starts to fatigue, some rest your body, do not force yourself to continue working. Remember sleep .. yes .
8. Joy Foods Steamed
Healthier Lifestyle
Research from the American Institute for Cancer Research found That cooking by steaming to increase of the nutrients available in a variety of foodstuffs. Try not steaming by the fire is too big. Steam Until cooked cuisine and warm, without having to wait for the cooking water to boil. Give a little touch of fruit trees like a little lemon juice, or vegetables Within the steamed food. This effort to make sense of increasingly Varied and rich food nutrition.


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